We are now actively lining up advertisers and sponsors...contact us today!
Let us showcase your business in-show.
We can come out to your establishment and even highlight certain items, products or services on our show. This sort of integrated advertising is one of the most effective ways to sell to your potential client base.
Tom and Greg host an entire show at THE MAPLE CAFE in West Bloomfield.
For our Season 4 Finale Episode, we set-up at the newly remodeled and re-branded Maple Cafe, located inside The Maple Theater, and featuring food from The Pita Post.
For our Season 4 Finale Episode, we set-up at the newly remodeled and re-branded Maple Cafe, located inside The Maple Theater, and featuring food from The Pita Post.
Tom and Greg host an entire show from THE ROOSTERTAIL in Detroit.
With the film "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" hitting theaters, we decided to do a "Once Upon a Time in Detroit"-themed show at a place as rich with history as any in the city, THE ROOSTERTAIL!
With the film "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" hitting theaters, we decided to do a "Once Upon a Time in Detroit"-themed show at a place as rich with history as any in the city, THE ROOSTERTAIL!
Greg and Tom host from THE OCTOPUS'S BEER GARDEN in Mt. Clemens.
With the Beatles-themed film, "Yesterday" in theaters, we contacted a local Beatles-inspired restaurant, and the extra promotion and exposure led to a massive influx of business.
With the Beatles-themed film, "Yesterday" in theaters, we contacted a local Beatles-inspired restaurant, and the extra promotion and exposure led to a massive influx of business.
Tom and Greg host their "Oscar Preview Special" at Dino's Lounge in Ferndale.
Showcase your business with a 30 or 60 second commercial spot.
(Ad packages are lower than you might think!)
(Ad packages are lower than you might think!)
Here is a segment we did for one of our sponsors, Jim DiFalco Farm Bureau Insurance Agency of Michigan.
As you can see, there are many ways we can help promote your business or service, through in-direct or direct advertising, commercial spots, or featured segments.
Contact us today and set up a creative brainstorm session with us, where we can figure out the best ways to incorporate your message and brand into the most effective
marketing or sponsorship campaign possible!
Contact us today and set up a creative brainstorm session with us, where we can figure out the best ways to incorporate your message and brand into the most effective
marketing or sponsorship campaign possible!